
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Spica Cast - Day 3 - Some Emotions

We flip flop back and forth between being so relieved that Mackenzie is doing so well with the cast and being worried and scared about what the future might hold.  We have read a lot of stories where children need further treatment, often times for year and years, after the cast comes off.  However, there are also lots of stories where the problem is fixed and the child has no hip concerns at all afterwards.  I think a lot of our "worry" stems from the fact that we have never really been told or had it explained to us what the severity of Mackenzie's dysplasia is and how it compares to other cases.

Today I went out to find some onesie's for her in a larger size.  We had been just putting a t-shirt on and pulling it down over the cast but she picks at her diaper so we'd like to cover that up.  I had a bit of a moment in the store when I was looking through all the really cute summer clothes, swimsuits, etc that she won't get to wear this summer.  Then while standing in line there was a "normal" baby about her age with his mom who was waving at everyone and happy as could be.  It made me sad.  I wish my emotions would stop flip-flopping all over the place, but it is nice that I can feel happy, hopeful and optimistic with just one look at my smiling content baby.

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