
Friday, August 31, 2012

Change of Plans

It looks like Mackenzie's cast might be coming off sooner than we thought.

Last night Brice was playing with Mackenzie on the floor and when he picked her up he thought he heard/felt a "pop".  He wasn't sure what it was though.  Maybe her cast shifting positions slightly?  Then, a little later in the evening Mackenzie was in her sitting position that we can't keep her out of now and I noticed that her leg was turning purple.  She must have been cutting off circulation or something of that sort due to the pressure the cast was putting on her thigh.  Again, not quite sure what caused it.  We monitored it quite closely and it didn't seem to be ongoing.  Also, she was quite cranky yesterday.  That could have been attributed to quite a few things: she is teething again, she has cut out one of her daily naps now that we are back at work and she is doing to the babysitters, and also, she is in a full body cast.  We feel so conflicted because any time she is unhappy we always wonder "does it have to do with the cast?".

So, last night we sent off an email to our surgeon's amazing secretary and asked her what we should do.  He only sees patients in the clinic on Tuesdays.  So with this being a long weekend, we would have to arrange an appointment for this coming Tuesday with very short notice.  She called me this afternoon and said she had shown him our email with our concerns (and a lovely picture of how Mackenzie likes to sit).  And he decided that he probably should see us sooner rather than later.

So now, instead of September 11th, we will be going up this Tuesday, September 4th.  We were told that they will do an x-ray first, but since the cast is supposed to be removed the following week they will likely just take it off while we are up there.

We are excited that the cast is most likely coming off a week early, but also worried and hope nothing major is going on and everything will be alright and there will be no negative consequences to taking the cast off earlier than projected.

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