
Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's Frustrating

It's frustrating that the medical professionals who are making decisions about what is "best" for our children probably have never been around a child for more than 1/2 hour here and a few minutes there that are in things like: a spica cast, a brace, a harness, etc.

Do they know that while foam may seem cheap and just as effect, it doesn't breath at all and the little ones get so incredibly sweaty underneath?

Do they know that once the babies turn to toddlers and they try to sit, crawl, stand and even walk in a foam brace held by velcro it doesn't hold it's integrity and shape very well at all?

Do they know the struggles that come with caring for a child in a spica cast 24/7?

Do they know the emotional toll seeing your baby go through hip dysplasia takes?

Maybe if they did they would wait a little longer to answer your questions.

Maybe if they did they would take some time to talk to you about what might work best for your individual child.

Maybe if they did they would have a little more compassion.

In somewhat good news, we have finally heard back from the Orthotic clinic that they have a few different brace's in for Mackenzie to try out.  We go on Wednesday.  Two weeks after that we go back up to Edmonton for a follow-up appointment.  Is it even worth it at this point?  With the luck we have always had at those appointments she probably will need to wear the brace for awhile longer, so I suppose it is.

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