Friday, May 30, 2014

Baby #2

I meant to write this post while I was still pregnant, but life got ahold of us and I never got around to it.

We had our second baby on April 18th.  A boy!  Lukas Ryan Unland

Our Orthopedic surgeon had recommended that for future children we make sure their hips are checked really well and do an ultrasound at 6 weeks for added reassurance.  

My labor was really fast so my doctor was not at the delivery.  I made sure to tell the doctor that delivered Lukas to check his hips really well due to the family history.  They also had a paediatrician come into talk to me because of some of the medication I am on and I asked her to check his hips again.  Then, the resident who was helping with my delivery was the one who discharged us and she knew how I had been asking so said "I'll just check his hips one more time for you".  At our one week check up my own doctor also checked his hips.  I think they probably all think I'm neurotic, but I want to be able to have early intervention this time to hopefully avoid spica casts and all that jazz if at all possible, if we end up with a hip dysplasia diagnosis.  

So far his hims seem "perfect" as our doctor put it.  

She was still willing to humour me with a requisition for an ultrasound at his six week appointment, so we go in for that next week and I will update after that.  

For now, we are happy for healthy hips and enjoying the new addition to our family.

Thanks to Wild at Heart Photography for the newborn photos

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! i just have to say, we are still waiting for final confirmation for my 6 month old daugher-but we are most likely looking at a spica cast- and this blog has been sent from heaven! It has gotten me through a scary time-thank you!
