
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Another Check-up Appointment

Even though I always feel very nervous every time we go for a check up, this one was pretty uneventful.  We know the drill by now.  Show up, sit in the waiting room for a bit, go back and get an x-ray (it is an unspoken agreement now that Brice always takes her because he's stronger to hold her legs in place, and I just hate seeing her cry).  Then go back to the waiting room for a bit.  Get called in to the exam room and wait some more.  Resident comes in and asks a bunch of questions that should be in the chart.  Wait some more.  Doctor comes in and tries to get out the door in as little time as possible.

In all seriousness, this appointment went well.  Apparently Mackenzie's hip is still developing, but the angles aren't quite where they'd like them to be.  She will continue to wear the brace when she sleeps - naps and at night - and we go back again in 3-4 months for another x-ray and check-up.  The resident this time was quite informative and explained things really well to us.  However at this point I feel like we almost know as much as them with all the research we have done.

She completely freaks out whenever anyone tries to touch her.  When the resident was trying to examine her she arched her back and was crying so hard and trying to get away.  When the doctor came in he told Brice to just hold her on his lap, but she still cried and tried to get away.  It was kind of cute when she covered her eyes with her hands like that would make him go away.

Because things are continuing to improve we will just continue to wait and see.  The brace wearing is just to help hold her hips in the optimal position for growth.  If, and it's a big if, her hip isn't where they want it to be by the time she is about 4 or 5 then we will be looking at surgery.  The doctor still thinks that is not likely.

As far as the walking, not much of an update.  She will take the odd unassisted step here and there but generally just drops down to her knees to crawl.  She likes to kind of crawl/shuffle sitting up on her knees which is pretty funny to watch.  She is an expert at cruising around with her walking toy.  I'll try to get a video one of these days.  She can steer it and everything and will often times grab it and steer it around to walk to where she is trying to go.

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