
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Merry Christmas

I know I haven't been updating much lately, but there isn't really much to say.  We got a great Christmas present on Christmas Day this is what Mackenzie started doing on a more regular basis!

She walks off and on now.  She seems to prefer to walk if it is on carpet and our main floor of our house is all hardwood flooring.  Sometimes she will take up to 20 steps across the room.  She has learned that she can't really carry things around with her when she is crawling so she has been shuffling around on her knees, pretty cute.  Upstairs she still loves to use the push toy from the earlier video I posted.  She pretty much runs around with that thing and can steer it all over.  She loves to do laps around the Island in our kitchen and have someone chase her.  I love that she is just doing all these "regular kid" kind of things.

Her walking stance is definitely wider than a "normal" kid.  She looks like she's been riding a horse for a long time.  We are hoping that with time her stance narrows, if not, we may go back to Physio and see if they have any ideas.  For now we are just so happy that she is continuing to progress!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant blog. This would have been so useful to me 8 1/2 years ago when my first daughter was diagnosed with DDH at 5 days old. Both her hips were totally flat and she was put into a Von Rosen splint. Very difficult time. Paediatrician gave us a video he'd made inthe 80's to explain the condition. (Took a while to even find a video player!) It was really hard to find any useful practical up to date help. Midwives had never seen a newborn in a splint and paediatrician had no bedside manner whatsoever! Fast forward to 2 years ago and third daughter was diagnosed at five weeks. This time only left hip and mild so into a Pavlik harness for 3 months. Felt completely deveststed, not able to dress or bath or cuddle my tiny baby and it added a new dimension to the complexities of breastfeeding! She had an x ray before Christmas a me hip looks normal! She's running and jumping around non stop trying to keep up with her big sisters. And big sister is absolutely fine to ! Hope Mackenzie continues to make good progress! Make sure you get any subsequent babies checked as a precaution. Both our subsequent two had scans due to our famy history and our baby had no audible 'click' so would have been missed if not scanned and is easier to treat if diagnosed early (but you already know that!). Best wishes, Caroline xx
